Forwarded by Amir Shah
Friday, 27 August, 2010 12:52 PM
Need spoon but only have fork?
Seatbelt not functioning?
New TV too big for the old cabinet?
No bottle opener?
Room too dark?
Electrical problem?
Replacement for a stolen car stereo?
Need bookends?
No ice chest?
Hard to see ATM screen?
Wanted to drive a left-hand drive car?
How to protect the low noise block (LNB) of a satellite dish?
Craving for a warm coffee?
Burned out wiper motor?
Display rack falling over?
Overloaded table?
Dragging exhaust pipe?
Cables falling behind the desk?
Looking for skatepark in town?
Posted here are messages and photos forwarded to me by friends, stuff that made me laugh, think, and look at things in a different perspective. Hope they do the same to you. Cheers!